Import Exchange Rates
This batch job makes it possible to import currency rates from the official national bank website for the specified period.
Required settings
Before running the batch job, check the following settings:
- Page General Ledger Setup, Import Exchange Rates tab:
- Import Exchange Rates – enable this setting to import currency rates when running a batch job;
- Import Conflict Resolution – select one of the options – Replace, Skip, Prompt – for situations when the system has already identified currency rates.
- Currency card, Import Exchange Rates field – enable this setting so that when a batch job is running, the rates of this currency are imported.
Running a batch job
To run a Import Exchange Rates batch job:
- Choose the
icon, enter Import Exchange Rates, and then choose the related link.
Alternatively, on the Currencies page, click Actions > Functions > Import Exchange Rates.
When running a batch job from the Currencies list page, currency rates will be imported for a selected currency only.
- In the request window, specify the dates of the period for which currency rates will be imported by filling out the Date From and Date to fields respectively.
After the batch job is completed, the imported currency rates can be checked:
- from the Currency list page in the Exchange Rate field;
- from the Currency list page or currency card by clicking Actions > Exch. Rates.