Bank Account
Bank Accounts are used to carry out and track banking transactions. Each bank account in the system has its own card containing basic information and settings. To learn more about bank accounts in the standard functionality, go to Set Up Bank Accounts.
Bank Account
In order to cover the localization functionality, the Bank Account Card page has been expanded with the following fields:
Field | Description |
Export Format | This field indicates the format in which the bank statement will be exported from the Bank Payment Journal. |
Export Format | This field indicates the format in which the bank statement will be imported to the buffer of the Bank Payment Journal. |
Bank Extract Format | This field indicates the bank statement format from self-configured formats. |
Check Bank Account Details | This field indicates whether, when checking an imported bank statement, the system will check the bank details specified in the statement against the details on the bank account card. |
Client bank | This field indicates the type of interaction with the bank’s client system. If Import is indicated, then for this bank account it will only be possible to import a bank statement. If Export-Import is indicated, then it will be possible to both export and import a bank statement for the bank account. |
Compare Document No. | This field indicates whether the numbers of documents imported from a bank statement will be compared with those exported from the system. If the system finds payments with the same numbers in the bank payment journal when importing payments from a bank statement, it will not create a new line, but only change the status of the found payment order. |
Check Currency Code | This field determines whether the currency of the posted payment will be checked against the currency indicated in the Currency Code field on the bank account card. If the Currency code field is filled in and this setting is enabled, then only payments in the specified currency can be posted to this bank account. |
Bank Payment Order No. Series | |
Transit Account No. | This field indicates the type of transit account that will be used in related bank account transactions. This can be GL Account or Bank Account. |
Transit Account No. | This field indicates the transit account number depending on the selected transit account type. |
Account Type For Bank Commission | This field indicates the type of account that will be used for commission transactions for this bank account. |
Account No. For Bank Commission | This field indicates the commission account number depending on the selected commission account type. |
Commission Type | This field indicates the type of commission on transactions associated with this bank account. |
Commission % | This field indicates the percentage value of the commission that will be calculated from the transaction amounts associated with this bank account. |
Commission Fix. Amount | This field indicates a fixed amount of commission, which will be calculated from the amount of transactions associated with this bank account. |
Ukraine Localization
To cover the Ukraine localization functionality, the following fields have been added to the page:
Field | Description |
Bank Code | This field indicates the MFO code of the bank. Using the bank directory, you can fill in the bank account card with basic information about it using the MFO code. |
EDRPOU Code | This field indicates the registration code of the bank according to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine. |
Bank Directory
Bank Directory displays a list of banking institutions and their branches. The information of this list can be updated automatically using a batch job according to the official NBU banks register.
To download or update the bank directory list, follow these steps:
- Click
to open Search and enter Bank Directory, follow the link.
- On the Bank directory page, click Actions > Update bank data directory.
- The system will automatically download or update the list of banks and their branches according to the information of the official website of the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of data import.
Creating a customer or vendor bank account
Customer and vendor bank account information is used when importing and exporting a bank statement, so you need to set up these bank accounts.
The following procedure describes how to create a customer bank account and is similar to how to create a vendor bank account.
- Click
to open Search and enter Customers, follow the link.
- On the Customer list page, select a customer and open the card.
- Click Navigate > Bank Accounts.
- On the Customer Bank Account List page, click New to create a new account.
- On the card of the new bank account, in the Bank Code field, select the required bank from the bank directory to fill in the card with basic information about the bank.
- If necessary, edit or fill in other fields of the bank account card.
Cash Account
Cash Account in the Ukrainian localization of Business Central is the same entity as the bank account, but for the convenience of work and setup, it is placed on a separate page of the Cash Accounts.
To work with cash documents, you need to create a Cash Account card. To do this, do the following:
- Click
to open Search and enter Cash Accounts, follow the link.
- On the cash accounts list page, click New to create a new account.
- Fill in the following fields:
Field | Description |
No. | Specify the cash account number used in related documents. The field can be filled in automatically if a bank account number series is configured. |
Name | Specify the cash account name. |
Cashier | Specify the full name of the cashier responsible for carrying out cash transactions and creating cash documents. The value of this field will be displayed in printed forms of cash documents. |
Debit Cash Order No. Series | Specify the number series that will be used to number the cash receipt order documents. |
Credit Cash Order No. Series | Specify the number series that will be used to number the cash expense order documents. |
Bank Acc. Posting Group | Specify the bank account posting group used when posting cash transaction documents. |
Check Currency Code | Specify whether the currency of the transaction posted on this account, will be checked for compliance with the currency specified in the Currency Code field on the cash account card. If the Currency Code field is filled in and this setting is enabled, then only transactions in the specified currency can be posted on this account. |
Check Сash Orders Numbering | Specify whether it is necessary to control the numbering of the cash order number series during printing and cancelling printing of cash orders. |
Georgia Localization
To cover the Georgia localization functionality, the following fields have been added to the page:
Field | Description |
Check Inn Bank Online Bank |