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Transfer Item to FA

To transfer items to fixed assets, the Inventory Shipment document with the Transfer to FA type is used.

To create an Inventory Shipment, do the following:

  1. Click Search to open Search, enter Inventory Shipment, follow the link.
  2. On the Inventory Shipment list page, click New to create a new document.
  3. On the new Inventory Shipment card, select Transfer to FA type in the Act Type field.
  4. Fill in the following fields on the document card:
Location CodeIndicate the code of the warehouse where the item being transferred to FA is located.
Gen. Bus. Posting GroupIndicate the general business group by which the transaction is carried out.
Posting DateIndicate entry posting date.
Document DateIndicate the document creation date.
On the Lines tab:
Item No.Indicate the code of the item being transferred to FA.
QuantityIndicate the quantity of the item being transferred to FA.
FA No.Indicate the number of the fixed asset to which the item is being transferred.
Depreciation Book CodeIndicate the code of the Depreciation Book where the amount of item transfer to FA will be posted.

The Unit Cost, Unit Amount and Unit of Measure Code fields will be filled in automatically with the values from the item card.

  1. To view or add document signatures, click Employee Signatures.
  2. To post the Act, click Post. The document will be moved to the Posted Inventory Shipments page.
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