Creating a Fixed Asset card
Before creating and accounting for Fixed Assets, the system settings must be checked, namely:
- on the FA Classes, FA Subclasses and FA Location pages, classes, subclasses and location of fixed assets should be created accordingly;
- on the Depreciation Books page, depreciation books must be created and configured in accordance with the purpose of using;
- on the Depreciation Tables page, the depreciation tables used in the custom depreciation method must be created and configured;
- on the Depreciation Templates page, depreciation templates must be created. See Depreciation Templates;
- on the Fixed Asset Setup page, you need to check the general settings and define number series for FA posting documents.
Creating an FA card
- Click
to open Search, enter Fixed Assets, follow the link.
- On the Fixed Assets list page, click New to create a new FA.
- On the new FA card, fill in all the required fields:
- the No. field will be filled in automatically according to the configured number series;
- fill in the Description, FA Class Code and FA Subclass Code fields. According to the selected FA Subclass, the Depreciation Books tab will display the depreciation books from the configured depreciation templates;
- select FA Type;
- the Inventory Number field will be filled in automatically if the inventory number series is configured for the selected FA Subclass on the Depreciation Templates page;
- the FA Location Code, Responsible Employee fields will be filled in automatically after posting the Purchase Document or the FA Release Act. In these documents, this information about the FA is mandatory;
- the Status field will also take value automatically in accordance with the posted FA posting documents. The Status Document No., Status date and Initial Release Date fields will be filled in automatically and display information about the document that caused the FA status change;
- on the Vehicles tab, you can drill down on vehicle information for fixed assets with Vehicles subclass.
An FA can be created by copying an existing FA. To do this, on the fixed asset card page or on the fixed asset list page, click Actions > Copy Fixed Asset. In the request window, you must specify the number of the FA to be copied, the number of copies, the first FA number if the number of copies is more than 1, and determine whether the number series configured in the Fixed Asset Setup will be used.
See Also
Fixed Asset Card
FA acquisition and distribution of additional expenses
Creating depreciation templates
FA Release Act
FA Return to Vendor
Transfer Item to FA
Repair and modernization of fixed assets
Internal movement of fixed assets
FA Write-off
FA Sale
FA Inventory